Indian Minister of Defence, Shri A.K. Antony in a statement to the Indian Parliament has said that there is no official record of Indian fishermen killed in Sri Lankan territorial waters. A total of 23 boats and 131 Indian fishermen were apprehended by the Sri Lankan Navy during the last year.

The apprehended fishermen have been repatriated, following the action taken by Government through diplomatic channels with the Sri Lankan authorities.

He further states that the Indian Government has reached an understanding with the Government of Sri Lanka in October, 2008, to put in place practical arrangements to deal with bona fide Indian and Sri Lankan fishermen crossing the International Maritime Boundary Line (IMBL). As part of these arrangements, it has been agreed that Indian fishing vessels would not enter the sensitive areas designated by the Government of Sri Lanka along its coastline.

During the 8th India-Sri Lanka Joint Commission meeting held on 22nd January, 2013 in New Delhi, both sides reiterated the highest priority accorded by respective governments to the well being, safety and security of fishermen from both Sri Lanka and India, The Sri Lanka Navy reported.

(under the courtesy of adaderana news web)